Philo of byzantium biography
Philo of byzantium biography facts!
Philon of Byzantium
Philo of byzantium biography
He is mentioned by Vitruvius who was a Roman architect and engineer. Vitruvius(1st century BC) was the author of the famous treatise De architectura(On Architecture) and in this work he gives a list of twelve inventors of machines which include Archytas(second in the list), Archimedes(third in the list), Ctesibius (fourth in the list), and Philon of Byzantium (sixth in the list).
Heron of Alexandria mentions a work by Philon On automatic theatres which in fact forms part of his Mechanics treatise. Eutocius also mentions Philon and cites a work by him on the duplication of the cube and this material is again contained in his Mechanics treatise.
Perhaps the most information about Philon's life, and this is very little indeed, comes from the only work of his which has survived (at least major parts have survived)Mechanics. In this treatise he writes about the catapult which was recen