Biography of hitler jews

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  • Biography of hitler jews

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    Was Hitler Jewish?

    "Was Hitler Jewish?" is a frequently asked question but it is one that requires clarification to answer correctly. In essence, it encompasses two related sub-questions:  "did Hitler have Jewish origins/family members?" and "was Hitler himself Jewish?"

    To begin with the second question—technically, in order to be Jewish, one must be born of a Jewish mother, or convert to Judaism (of course, the Nazis had their own ideas on what made someone a Jew).

    Hitler was born to a Catholic mother, and obviously never converted to Judaism.

    Biography of hitler jews and women

    During his lifetime he was more or less a lapsed Catholic, at times dabbling in various German pagan-mystic beliefs. Hitler became a vehement racist and anti-Semite, and promoting a vision of the "Jewish threat," he ultimately sought the extermination of the Jewish population of Europe.

    As for the question of Jewish origins, Ian Kershaw, Hitler's highly acclaimed most recent biographer, points