John hong organ biography for kids

  • John hong organ biography for kids
  • Biography for 2nd graders!

    John hong organ biography for kids

  • John hong organ biography for kids
  • John hong organ biography for kids pictures
  • Biography for 2nd graders
  • Online biography for kids
  • John hong organ biography for kids youtube

       Korean              English (1)           English (2)

    To view the program from John's concert at
    The Church on the Hill, click on the above photos.

    Reviewed by:  Malcolm Wechsler

    Dear Members of the Pipe Organ List and Other Friends,

    A few days ago, list member Claire Arnold tipped me off that John Hong, a young (20) Korean-American organist I had met a year or so ago, was playing a concert last night in Queens, at Church on the Hill in Flushing.

    For reasons that may become clear below, I determined to attend, and also to drive over early, having good directions from Claire, but feeling a bit uncertain. I actually said in an IM to a friend that I had to end the "conversation" be