Junaid baghdadi biography channel

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    Sufi Biography: Abol-Qasem-al-Jonaid (Junaid Baghdadi)

    Sufi Biography: Abol-Qasem-al-Jonaid (Junaid Baghdadi)

    Abo ‘l-Qasem al-Jonaid ibn Mohammad al- Khazzaz al-Nehawandi, son of a glass-merchant and nephew of Sari al-Saqati, close associate of al-Mohasebi, was the greatest exponent of the ‘sober’ school of Sufism and elaborated a theosophical doctrine which determined the whole course of orthodox mysticism in Islam.

    He expounded his theories in his teachings, and in a series of letters written to various contemporaries which have survived. The head of a large and
    influential school, he died in Baghdad in 298 (910).

    The early years of Jonaid-e Baghdadi

    From childhood Jonaid was given to spiritual sorrow, and was an earnest seeker after God, well disciplined,
    thoughtful and quick of understanding and of a penetrating intuition.


    One day he returned home from school to find his father in tears.
    “What happened?” he enquired.
    “I took something by way of alms to your un